" "The Quest for Light: The Journey of the Sages in the World of Mystery"(english).


"Three mysterious characters united by their quest for wisdom and truth. In a world full of secrets and mysteries, they transcend boundaries in search of enlightenment amidst the darkness."

. 1**Faisal Al-Asrar**: Faisal is a contemplative scholar seeking truth in the depths of the ancient library he manages. He strives to uncover the secrets buried within old books.

2**Karim Al-Ma'arif**: Karim is a sage who travels the land in search of wisdom and enlightenment. He meets many people along the way, sharing his knowledge and experiences with them.

3. **Sami Al-Akbar**: Sami is a mysterious figure living in remote wilderness and wandering between sacred places. Some believe he possesses hidden knowledge about the spiritual realm.


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